About North Bayswater Weather

• Latitude -37.82361°     • Longitude 145.29639°     • Elevation 114 m above sea level

This weather station has been in operation since Sunday 25 October 2009, although rainfall has been manually recorded since 1992.

The website uses a LaCrosse WS-2355 weather station to collect data for processing and display.
The rain gauge and anemometer are positioned 7 metres above ground level, and the remote temperature and humidity
sensors are shielded from direct sun. Data is transmitted wirelessly from solar-powered remote sensors.

Weather data is processed and uploaded every 2 minutes using Cumulus v1.9.4(10991).
Templates by Kevin Reed(dec.) of TNETWeather.com are used to build XHTML 1.0 compliant web pages which are updated automatically.

Fire Weather Index data is recorded daily just after midday using FWICalc from SoftRock
Metar information is downloaded and recorded every 30 minutes from Melbourne Int'l. Airport using MetarWeather from NirSoft

Our weather data is uploaded to:
Weather Underground AWEKAS